Facilities » Facility Visioning

Facility Visioning

Community Survey Results
Following Visioning Group and Board of Education discussion, the district (through a professional partner, ExcellenceK12) conducted a live phone survey in January 2021 to better understand the district perception and facility priorities and preferences of the broader community before taking any next steps in facilities planning.
The results of the statistically valid survey are available here.

Facility Improvement Work

The McPherson USD 418 is in the process of reviewing the district’s facilities needs and formulating agreed upon solutions.  Two Visioning Groups have been established to review district needs, explore options and develop a recommendation to present to the Board of Education.  The Community Visioning Group is composed of a cross-section of individuals from the McPherson community, while the Staff Visioning Group is composed of school district employees.


Community Visioning Group

Dave Barrett

Brad Bengtson

Ben Coffey

Dani Crist

Neisha Dahlstrom

Andy Elliott

David Ferrell

Olivia Fetsch

Becky Goss

Nick Gregory

Ransom Hawthrone
Corey Hoover

Aaron Hoxie

Brian Lopata

Josh Martinson

Kasi Morales

Matt Morrow

Gwyn Muto

Jaymie Rothrock

Jay Pavlik

Renata Prose

Leroy Schmidt

Allan Sents

Carol Swenson

Carma Wall

Katie Walters


Staff Visioning Group

Building Certified Classified Administrators Students
Eisenhower Kellea Martens Jody Unruh    
Lincoln Brittney Jennings Kristine Pister Cody Rierson  
Roosevelt Carla Neufeld Missy Bretches    
Washington Andrea Kaufman Natasha Frank    
Middle School
Sarah Hendricks
Jason Fish
Grant Myers
Deb Busse Brandon Simmelink  
High School
Alice Toews
Chris Strathman
Austin Russell
Steve Lies Shane Backhus
Sam Becker (9th)
Emma Stein (9th)
Sydney Achills (10th)
Brady Harms (10th)
Central Office   Marlane Shandy Sheldon Anderson  


The district is partnering with the DLR Group architectural firm and Hutton to facilitate these Visioning Groups and develop a plan for improvement.  This plan will be presented to the board prior to the end of the current school year. 


Following is the meeting schedule for these Visioning Groups.  Click on the session title to see the presentation for each meeting.

October 30 Engage—Introduce Visioning and Guiding Principles
November 11 Collect/Analyze—Review district conditions, share perceptions, discuss
December 4 Discover & Dream—Divergent thinking/share possibilities
January 8 Discover & Dream—Convergent research based design exploration
February 5 Define & Imagine—Identify scope of work, potential costs and priorities
March 4 Refine—Finalize scope of work and costs to recommend to Board
October 20 Community Reset – Review concepts and committee progress pre-COVID, community update
November 11 Refine – Review grade level configurations related to facilities
December 2 Refine – Review facilities options with scope and cost
Prior to beginning this work, the district engaged the architectural firm Kraybill and Associates to conduct a comprehensive review and analysis of USD 418 facilities, and their findings were incorporated into the community visioning process.